Approved by Govt. of Tamilnadu | Affiliated to Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore.
Accredited by NAAC with B++ | An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution
Katpadi Road, Keelalathur, Gudiyattam-635803. Vellore District, Tamilnadu, India.

Best Practices


Best Practices

Best Practice 1:
1. Title: “Abiraami Organic Farming / Agriculture” – Not Quantity Only Quality
2. Objectives (100 words):
  • To conserve environment and natural resources .
  • To provide a suitable environment for organic farming and quality food products.
  • To raise livestock to provide nutritious foods such as eggs and dairy products.
  • To utilize animal wastes for enriching the soil.
  • To reduce the environmental sufferings caused by the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  • To encourage stall-feeding in order to reduce deterioration of grazing grounds.
  • To develop adequate animal health services for livestock protection, with a focus on eradicating the most common diseases .
  • To conserve and improve the productivity of India's indigenous cattle breed in mission mode.
  • To uphold ecological balance, sustainable agriculture and genetic diversity.
  • To promote/inculcate vocational education (generating revenue while studying).
3. The Context (150 words):

The institution considers cow as a good omen for all the beginnings so the cow shed is located at the entrance.

Organic farming provides nutritious food, enriches soil quality and reduces the loss of beneficial soil microorganisms.

Organic farming is economical, which requires low investments for seeds, and manures.

Animals need to live in a suitable environment, eat a suitable diet, and exhibit normal behavior patterns, to stay apart from other animals and to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.

The nurtured vegetables and greens, the milk and eggs yielded by the animals are sold to the management and staff members. There is huge demand for organic products. Thus the good return is obtained on investments. The animal wastes are utilized as manures for the purpose of organic farming. It inculcates the attitude of self-employability with low investment among the student community.

Organic farming is free from chemical fertilizers and pesticides, hence it is environment friendly.

4. The Practice (400 words):

Organic farming relies on the natural breakdown of organic matter for the nutritious growth and development. It replaces the conventional methods, which degrade the quality of soil, water and air towards the attainment of quantity with low quality.

Vegetation through eco-friendly pesticides and biological fertilizers derived primarily from animal and plant wastes, as well as nitrogen-fixing cover crops are beneficial to human health and ecosystem.

Organic farming practices adequate water supply technique so that water is conserved. A particular area is allotted for each class so that the students can effectively participate in organic farming with a great team spirit.

Organic livestock are managed in a way that conserves natural resources and biodiversity. Organic livestock benefits humans and the environment by focusing on pasture, soil quality and limiting the use of antibiotics and hormones. Pasture-based livestock operations have the greatest potential for carbon sequestration of all farming approaches. Organically raised animals also enjoy a higher quality of life than conventionally raised animals.

Plants are encouraged to send out more and deeper roots when they are grazed. Those roots are constantly sloughed off and degrade in the soil, increasing soil biomass and fertility while also removing carbon from the atmosphere. Rotational grazing also aids in the prevention of erosion and runoff from crops.

An animal's welfare is ensured when the animals are neither fear nor distress

This practice include crop rotation between plant families, techniques to build soil organic matter compost and properly handled animal manures, disease tolerant plants, scouting for insect and disease pests, proper disposal of diseased crop residue and good sanitation, and maintaining biodiversity.

Through this practice, proper agriculture techniques are inculcated in young minds.

  • Lower production
  • A lack of understanding
  • Organic items have a greater price since they are in higher demand
  • Organic products have a shorter shelf life because do not include artificial preservatives
5. Evidence of Success (200 words):

It is now possible to produce agricultural items without harming soil, water resources, or air while also conserving the environment, plant, animal, and human health by practicing organic farming

Cow shed at the entrance gives a divine welcome to all

The revenue generated through organic farming is utilized for the maintenance and development of it

The management and staff have received a healthy nutritious food with an ease

Organic farming and cubs of cattle are bliss for the eyes and creates a stress free environment

Special attention is being paid to crop rotation and tillage practices

Distribution of fruits yielded through organic farming are distributed to all stakeholders

Herbs nurtured in the herbal garden are being utilized

Organic farming helps in keeping agricultural production at a sustainable level and ensures optimum utilization of natural resources for short-term benefit and helps in conserving them for future generation.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources required (150 words):
  • Lack of Awareness: The most important problem encountered in the progress of organic farming is the inability to take a firm decision to promote organic agriculture. Attention is also lacking in the application of composts/organic manure.
  • Due to low yield, we are unable to meet the demand.
  • There is a lack of marketing and distribution networks for outdoor sale.
  • Organic farming requires more manpower and time for cattle house management.
  • Protection of crops from cattle requires more effort.
  • Controlling the mobility of cattle is also a challenging task.
  • Animal sufferings/sickness is a key issue in the debate of animal welfare.
Best Practice 2:
1. Title: “KUDOS OF DOYEN /WIZARDS / VETERAN”- You rock; we track / You rise we praise
2. Objectives (100 words):
  • To appreciate teachers for imparting knowledge and wisdom
  • To applause/praise teachers for their involvement in shaping students’ character and behaviour
  • To thank teachers for bringing out the best in students
  • To energize and showcase teachers as a fore runner
  • To make teachers happy in continuing their unending efforts
3. The Context (150 words):
Teachers are the backbone of any country, the pillar upon which all aspirations are converted into realities –
Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam

Teachers, nation builders through their perseverance, love, and sacrifices, have shown the right way to build the nation. Teachers believe that a good education opens doors to opportunities for their students. Thus, teachers shape the character, caliber and future of an individual, which leads the learners to their final destination. The institution always believes that such teachers are never unnoticed and so they are always appreciated for their tireless mission.

4. The Practice (400 words):
“The Destiny of the nation is shaped in its classrooms”

A teacher is someone who inspires students to reach new heights in their life. No one works harder in institution than the teachers who devote their days to assisting their students in making progress. Teachers continue to impact the life of the students every day. The wealth of skills and abilities of an individual reflect the role of the teacher in their life.

Teacher Appreciation is a time to thank the teachers not only for their tireless efforts, but also for their unwavering faith in all of their students and their abilities to succeed. The institution honors teachers who are building the bridge to opportunity through education, helping the students achieve more and expose their students to a world beyond their local community. Since teachers have a tremendous impact on students’ lives, the institution thank the teachers around the world who make progress happen. By the way, the management always inculcates the habits of paying gratitude for good deals.

5. Evidence of Success (200 words):

On every annual day, the management appreciates the staff with a silver coin. NSF, Coimbatore in concurrence with the management identifies and awards few of the teachers as best role players in their academic excellence. On the successful accomplishment of every event, the governing body appreciates the staff. In addition, the management distributes gifts sand compliments to the teachers on the celebration of Women’s day and Teacher’s day. The management always expresses their gratitude to the staff working beyond the working hours towards the upliftment of the institution. Considering staff as the part of their family, the management treats them with a delicious lunch on their special occasions. These practices motivate the staff to work more diligently towards the future endeavors.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources required (150 words):

The management spends their time meticulously in identifying the deserving individual. It remains as a big challenge for them how to deal with the situations and motivate their staff members to do better and achieve professional success. Following are some of the most general resources required to tackle the challenges:

  • Constructive feedback is given to staff, if they deviate from performance.
  • Frequent meetings are conducted to set clear work standards and reiterate the goals
  • There need to organize enrichment programmes on a regular basis to demonstrate how staff members can work together. Such events can help them get to know each other better and strengthen their bonds.
  • Resolve the personal or work-related disputes through conciliation.
  • Monitor the work’s progress and politely remind the staff members to stay on schedule.
  • In most cases, clear communication and honest interactions help to resolve skepticism (doubts) so they build trust among all stakeholders.
  • Incentives are given for the high performance staff to remain with the institution.
  • One to one meetings are conducted to discuss the pros and cons of the individual performance.
“Every one of us can recall at least one teacher who inspired us throughout our education”.

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